The Translator's
Tool Box Book
As any good craftsman can tell you, it's not enough to simply have the right tool for the job—you've also got to know just how to use it. The Translator's Tool Box, Version 15, originally written by Jost Zetzsche and updated by Nora Díaz, is filled with expert advice on which software tools you'll need to save time (and make more money), the best way to use these tools, and which popular tools you can do without..
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What's included?
490 pages
12 chapters
Operating Systems, Web Browsers, Utilities, AutoHotkey, Subtitling, CAT Tools, Regular Expressions and much more!
Nora Díaz
Nora Díaz holds a B.A. in English Language Teaching and Translation. She is a full-time published EN-ES translator and translation team leader, working on a wide variety of topics. Her interest in productivity has led to a constant exploration of technology to boost productivity, such as CAT tools, speech recognition and custom macros. In her blog, Nora Díaz on Translation, Teaching and Other Stuff she shares what she has learned with translators from around the globe.
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Jost Zetzsche
Jost is an ATA-accredited English-to-German translator, a consultant in the field of localization and translation, and a writer on technical solutions for the translation and localization industry. Jost is interested in the effect language and translation have on our perception of the world, and he is passionate about helping his fellow translators embrace technology.
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